"Mewing" the word that trended in google search keywords over the last few months. It's either magic or super knowledge. So what is "Mewing"?, what are its benefits ?,Does it really work? and how to mew ? Then in this post I'm going to talk about everything you want to know about mewing.
What is "mewing"?
When you hear about mewing for the first time you may think that it is imitation for the sound of the cats (meooo) but that's not right and I don't think that would be useful anyway.
So what is "mewing" exactly ? mewing is a technique that help you change your facial structure to the best without any need to surgical treatments.
That technique was invented by Dr. Mike Mew - who is a British orthodontist - with help from his father and it was named after him. He explained it on his Youtube channel and he had more than 1,400,000 views for that video.
What are the benefits of mewing ?
The main aim of mewing is to make your jawline well-defined , improve alignment of the chin and nose and help to appear cheekbones. However, some reports claim that mewing can help resolve :
sleep apnea
breathing and swallowing problems
speech disorders
temporomandibular joint dysfunction
How to mew?
(This section is officially written in mewingtransformation.com and was modified by me)
Mewing is all about holding correct tongue posture throughout the day. Here are my step-by-step instructions on how to mew correctly:
Make an “N” sound with your mouth One of the biggest challenges people face with mewing is finding the right tongue position. Here’s an easy hack for doing so: make the sound of the letter “N” and hold it for a few seconds. You should find that your tongue naturally pushes up against the roof of your mouth while you do this.
Get familiar with that tongue position Practice making the “N” sound for a few minutes. With any luck, you’ll get used to moving your tongue around your mouth. Now, see if you can make that same tongue position without actually making the “N” sound. Don’t worry if you can’t get this right away. It took me a few days of regular practice to be able to control my tongue. Once you get it, you’ll be surprised at just how easy it is.
Raise the back of your tongue by swallowing The next step is to get the back of your tongue up against the palate. If you’re like me, you might find this pretty difficult. Thankfully, I have another trick that can help: swallowing! That’s right. Find the tongue position you practised earlier and try swallowing deeply a few times. You should feel the back of your tongue push up against the palate as you do so. Like before, continue practicing this technique and you should eventually be able to raise the back of your tongue against the palate without having to constantly swallow.
Repeat until it becomes second nature Finally, you need to get used to holding this tongue position throughout the entire day. My approach was to adopt correct tongue posture whenever I remembered about it. With time, I found myself holding the mewing tongue position more and more without even thinking about it. A more practical approach for most people is to set daily or hourly smartphone reminders. If my approach of mewing-whenever-you-remember doesn’t work for you, this is what I’d suggest.
Expect to mew for several months before you notice any changes. During this time, you’ll have to be quite patient, remembering to mew for as much of the day as possible.
- How to Mew While Sleeping?
The mewing tongue position should be held for as much of the day as possible. This includes while sleeping! In addition to the general benefits of mewing, mewing while sleeping is said to reduce snoring and sleep apnea.
Initially, you will find it near impossible to mew while sleeping. This is simply because your body is new to mewing and doesn’t hold the correct tongue position subconsciously, like when you’re asleep.
Another reason you might struggle with mewing while sleeping is mouth breathing. If you typically breathe through your mouth, you’ll be unable to breathe while mewing.
The solution to both of these problems is to continue practicing mewing! Not only will your body grow to subconsciously maintain the correct tongue position, but — according to Dr. Mike Mew — your nasal airways will open up, allowing you to better breathe through the nose.
- Mewing Tips and Tricks
Here are a few tips and tricks you might want to bear in mind when you start mewing :
When doing mewing correctly, you might find that you can’t breathe through your mouth. This is because mewing will force you to breathe through your nose. Anyway, breathing through your nose is better for you, so this is a hidden benefit you will soon grow to appreciate.
You may find your tongue getting sore initially, but that’s OK. You can expect some soreness because you’re ‘working out’ your tongue. It’s like working out any other muscle: you get sore initially.
Applying the full force of your tongue on your palate is called hard mewing and I would suggest staying away from that for beginners. Although some people claim that it's more effective and makes faster results but Dr. Mike Mew didn't say anything about that.Instead, stretch your entire tongue on the roof of your mouth and apply light force. You will feel the force more strongly while swallowing, which brings us to our next section.
- How to Swallow While Mewing?
Keeping your tongue posture correct throughout the day is one aspect of mewing, but the other aspect is eating and swallowing while mewing. This is where people usually get confused.
When it comes to swallowing while mewing, this is the correct way to do it as explained by Dr. Mike Mew in his many videos.
Press the tongue firmly against your palate even while swallowing.
Your face expression should remain the same while swallowing.
You will feel your thyroid rise.
Use this same technique while swallowing liquids. You don’t want to chug liquids. Instead, with your tongue on your palate, swallow liquids at a steady pace.
To practice proper swallowing with mewing, try these steps :
1. Take a small sip of water and hold it in your mouth.
2. Lean forwards with your mouth directly pointing to the floor.
3. Make a cheesy smile.
Aha! You may think you will spill the water, but you will actually find that your tongue raises to your palate to prevent the water from choking you. In doing this technique, you have created the perfect seal for your palate and tongue.
4. Swallow the water without bringing the lips together.
Repeat this process a few more times and be conscious of your tongue’s position.
Do you see how it naturally forms a seal? The mid-back of your tongue will push firmly against your palate.
Now try to replicate this same swallowing technique standing up normally. Can you do it? Congrats, you now know how to have proper tongue posture and swallow properly with it.
Dr. Mike Mew has many videos on YouTube where he explains proper swallowing with mewing. They’re definitely worth a watch.
Without proper swallowing, you are only doing part of mewing correctly. If you can’t maintain proper tongue posture while eating and drinking, you are only halfway there. So practice, practice, practice.
- How to Chew While Mewing?
Chewing properly when mewing is a little different than swallowing. Don’t use your cheeks to move food around the mouth. Instead, chew food with your teeth until it is completely broken down.
- How Do I Know If I’m Mewing Right?
Although the explanation for mewing seems pretty straightforward, it can be surprisingly difficult to get just right. Based on surveys of individuals who practice mewing, there seem to be many misconceptions.
It is critical that the back third of your tongue (yes, the very back of it) is firmly pressed against the palate of your mouth. Your tongue should fit snugly between your back teeth.
Doing this properly should be tiring: it’s not easy to maintain and will require conscious effort. It may even feel like your tongue will fall out of this position any second, but don’t worry: it will strengthen over time.
You might even feel that your palate is too small to properly do mewing. However, as you keep mewing, your palate will naturally expand due to the pressure applied by your tongue. So keep at it, even if it is tiring at first. Eventually it will become subconscious.
If you do mewing correctly, you might see impressive results within as little as a month.
Here is a video about how to mew :
Does mewing really work ?
You might say "Oh that is useless what if I keep doing that and then nothing happens to me ?!"Although there is currently no scientific evidence to support it and your face shape depends almost on your genes but many people on social media sites and Youtube tried mewing and got amazing results. There are tons of before and after photos for people who tried mewing I will show you some of them here as a motivate to try that.

After you saw these photos I guess you are now very keen to start mewing but hold on that's not everything yet. Do you remember what you would say before you saw these photos ? That may happen to you and you don't notice any change after you mew for a long time. "Whaaaaat ? oh you disappointed me again" Ok to be truthful it depends on some factors that determine the time you need to notice changes in your face. So what are these factors ?
Age The older you are the more time you will need to notice changes in your face that's because the adults face are still taking its shape.
How long do you mew? If you just mew for only some time you will need more time to notice changes but you should mew all the day just if you are not talking.
Do you mew properly?
If you aren't mewing properly then shortly you waste your time. You should mew exactly as I mentioned up.
Whatever how old are you, how long you mew you will notice changes but it's just a matter of time.
After all I mentioned here some skeptical people will say " what are you saying, man? are you crazy? how can I change my face shape? that's impossible" ok I will ask you a question if you are a normal man or woman can you change your stomach shape to have six packs? You will definitely answer "Yes" ( or "No" in case you live in another parallel universe) then if you are able to do that you are also able to change your face.
Other more spektical people will say "haha good one man but we are not going to fall into your trick. Your example is different because the skull is fixed can't be changed" and then I will answer "No, you are wrong" Actually the skull is not one bone it consists of many bones that you can change their positions by mewing. Here is the bones of the skull to prove my words.

And after all that there are really some people who are still not convinced. Ok I get bored of that but I will tell you something. I don't get money by your mewing it's just an advice from me to help all people and I really believe that it's real. I tried it personally and saw results after very short amount of time. Mewing is not such hard to keep thinking about you should do it or not. It's really easy and it will be a habit by time just do it.